January 24, 2025
Dear Residents, Families and Friends,
I am writing to give you an update and to let you know that seven of our Residents have now tested positive, one in Saint Joseph and six in Sacred Heart. The good news is that all of the other Residents tested negative during our last round of testing. We also have a few staff members out who tested positive for Covid-19 and are taking the necessary time off.
The Department of Health once again assured us that because the other Residents on the units are fully vaccinated and almost all have received the booster, tested negative and have no symptoms there is no need to quarantine everyone. We would ask that when you come to visit your loved one you wear a mask throughout the visit. You are welcome to visit them in their rooms, but if you prefer to visit them downstairs we will be happy to bring them down to meet you.
We will continue to test as needed until this outbreak has passed and will let you know if there is any new information or guidelines. Please know that we continue to do everything in our power to keep your loved ones safe and count on your help as well.
Please keep us in your prayers as we navigate this unpredictable time, and know that the Sisters and I are also praying for you all.
God Bless,
Mother Marguerite